We were treated to an exceptional story today! One of the best episodes I have seen in a very long time — good writing and GREAT acting.

Kelly comes to the hospital to see Jessica and runs into Rex. She tells him about Aubrey's "brother" and Kelly says she thinks Aubrey has a "secret life." They do a little investigating on the Internet, but what they find seems to corroborate Aubrey's story—that she does have a brother named Cutter. [But remember, Cutter told Callie he had covered their tracks very well. More than likely, he set up fake identities for them so they COULD be found on the Internet and the info would match their stories.]
Aubrey is at the gym waiting for Joey, and Cutter grabs her from behind, spins her around and gives her a big kiss. FREAK OUT!! She wants to know what he is doing there and he says, "Your fiancé invited me." Within seconds, Joey shows up, but didn't see anything. Joey says he is anxious to get to know his future brother-in-law.
Cutter is getting more and more crazy every time he sees Joey kissing Callie (Aubrey). Cutter says something about not staying in Llanview too much longer, but Joey insists he needs to stay at least until the wedding. Cutter points out it could be awhile until that happens; since Joey's dad doesn't really approve of his little sister.
Joey tells them his father sees all outsiders as a threat to the family fortune and in fact seems to be following in the footsteps of his Grandpa Asa. He goes on to say, whenever one of Asa's sons got involved with a woman that he didn't trust, he would threaten to cut him out of the family fortune. Joey declares, however, he is not interested in the money and neither is Aubrey. He would be willing to live in a tent and eat fish out of Llantano River. Aubrey and Cutter give each other a wild-eyed look! Uh-oh. When Joey goes to get some water, Cutter tells Callie he wants to wrap up their little scam and move on before Joey's accounts are cut off.
Marty is staring at Natalie's baby through the glass of the nursery, but she thinks it is her baby. She goes into the nursery and tells the baby she is his mother and she is taking him home. When John finds Roxy unconscious in Marty's bed, he notifies hospital security to watch every exit and stop Dr. Saybrooke if they see her. He rushes to the nursery and finds her before she can leave. He tries to reason with her and even tells her he will take her home, but she locks herself and the baby in the nursery. John tells the nurse he needs the key to the nursery right away. He unlocks the door and then eventually talks her into letting him carry the baby while they walk to his car so he can take her home. He hands the baby to Natalie and then restrains Marty until the hospital staff can take control. We later learned, John was told Marty would be taken to St. Ann's where she can get the treatment she needs.
Marty says goodbye.
Before Nate is taken back to his cell, Inez tells him she did not kill his father and she would never let him go to prison for something that SHE did. Bo approaches Inez and tells her he thinks they should talk. Nora says she is also interested in hearing what Inez has to say.
Nora wants to know how the murder weapon got into Inez's apartment. Inez says she doesn't know, but obviously someone put it there. Nora: "Who could possibly want to frame you and your son?" Inez says it was not about framing her, it is about Nate. She says it is "someone with power, someone who wanted revenge." Bo tells Inez he knows about the prescription. Nora:" "What are you talking about?" Bo says he knows he wasn't drunk, but that he did pass out. Nora says, "What are you saying—that she had opportunity?" Bo wants to know what really happened and Inez says, "Nothing—nothing happened."
Nora: "What do you mean Inez, that nothing happened?"
Inez: "I didn't sleep with your husband. We never had sex."
Dun, dun, da....
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