Friday, April 30, 2010

FlashForward — Please, Fast Forward

Is it just me, or is it just too tedious?!?  Last week, I Twittered that I felt like I was watching the X-Files Redux.  The core characters, the "good guys" get saved just in the nick of time, while a whole cast of extraneous characters, the "bad guys" gets killed off, week after week. 

Biggest issues:  it's always the same formula, it's almost always too predictable and it's not nearly as interesting as the X-Files!!

When I'm watching something play out, and then find myself saying, "I knew that was going to happen,"  well then, what is the point of watching it?

I keep asking myself, "Do I care how this ends?"  My answer:  "Not really." 

The acting is great and the actors are really great, but the plot is too scattered and hard to follow.  It jumps around a lot and there are too MANY characters. 

So, I'm going to create my own ending, and then get on with my life. 

Gabriel tells Olivia that she was supposed to be with Lloyd.  Lloyd is manipulating the future, so that they can be together.  Olivia will figure it all out before the plan can be completely implemented and she will choose her own future.  She will probably choose Mark.  

The End — Good Night.

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