Saturday, June 12, 2010

OLTL — 6/11/10 — Langston and Markko

Langston confesses to John McBain that she attacked Ford, because she thinks Markko did it, and she feels SO guilty about her affair with Ford, that she is willing to go to jail for him. But Markko tells her he DIDN'T do it, and Langston is surprised, especially since she didn't do it either.

John McBain surreptitiously listens in on their conversation, knowing that IF Markko really is guilty, he won't let Langston take the fall. McBain is convinced that Markko is telling the truth, so he is released and Langston is dismissed, after McBain gets the call from the hospital that Ford has regained consciousness, and he rushes over there to interview him.

After arriving at the hospital, McBain asks Ford if he knows who did this to him, but he didn't answer yet--and they will make us wait until next week for that revelation, if there is one.

In the meantime, poor Jessica has been having flashbacks of being with Ford the night he was assaulted and thinks that maybe one of her alternate personalities might have attacked him and she just doesn't remember.

Then for reasons that we don't yet know, a very scary looking guy is chasing after Ford's brother, James, who coincidentally runs into Starr in the parking garage. After helping her get her car started, he yells at her "get in" and then he takes off with Starr and Hope as unwilling passengers, and they narrowly escape the very scary guy who is in hot pursuit.

This story line isn't holding my interest, but what can I do. It's a tween world and now we are forced to live in it.

Todd is starting to suspect that something is wrong with Tea—that she isn't telling the whole story—so he sneaks into Dr. Evan's office and pulls out her medical files. He'll know the truth soon enough.

P.S. David Vickers Buchannan is back in town and causing problems for Dorian by cozying up to Viki. Always good for a laugh. Til next week........

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