Friday, June 25, 2010

Unhindered Living

Here are some more things to ponder:
  1. When was the last time you questioned whether the status quo is right?
  2. Do doctors really know what they are doing?
  3. Are schools really the best place for children?
  4. Is marriage really a healthy institution?
  5. Is our food really safe to eat?
  6. Is it really necessary to go to church or belong to an organized religion?
  7. Who decided what is "normal" behavior?
  8. Why do we have to work for someone else to provide for ourselves?
  9. Why should I accept someone else's idea of how to live?
When we let go of some this "standardized" thinking, it makes it much easier to trust ourselves; to feel confident that we do have good ideas, that we know what is best for us and that we can make our own decisions.

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