Thursday, September 2, 2010


What have we learned about Blair and Eli in the last two days?  That even if you have a gun pointed at someone, it takes two days to squeeze a confession out of them; but wait, there's more.  During a struggle with the gun, it goes off and we are left with the two people staring at each other until tomorrow.

Langston and Starr go through their Freshman orientation and register for classes at L.U.  Langston is thrilled that she was able to get into an exclusive writing class.  She talks Starr into enrolling in the class also, when she overhears someone say they are dropping the class. Then, they find out that "Professor" Ford will be teaching the class.  Apparently, L.U. has made Robert Ford a full professor.  Oh, that's right, this is a soap opera. LOL  Robert encourages James to audit his class as a way to get a foot in the door at L.U.  Then, as Professor Ford, he will be able to get James a family discount on the tuition—more-than-likely, a "full ride," as he describes it.

So, yesterday, Clint tells Matthew that Grandpa Asa always hoped that someday Matthew would take over as CEO of Buchanan Enterprises because he could see that Matthew has the Buchanan Killer Instinct.  Clint is anxious to groom him for the family business (and also to be a pain in his brother Bo's behind) and so offers Matthew an apprenticeship at B.E.

Matthew goes to Bo to get permission to take the job, but Bo wants Matthew to focus on school, basketball and preparing for college.  Since Matthew has been acting like a spoiled rich brat lately, he goes off on Bo and brings up the fact that he can't believe he would actually hire Nate's mother as his assistant, when Bo knew it was Nate who "stole" his girlfriend, Dani.

What really surprised me was the way the writers have Matthew yelling at Bo, as though that is an okay way for a teenager to talk to his father.  And Bo didn't even flinch.  At least he could have mentioned something about disrespectful, but respect doesn't seem to be something that is taught anymore.

Bo ignores Matthew's tirade and patiently tries his best to explain that sometimes it just isn't the right relationship—that the timing is off, etc.  Nora comes in and takes Matthew's side.  Matthew leaves and then Nora continues the discussion about how there must have been plenty of other qualified applicants, yada, yada, yada.

Matthew finds Uncle Clint and tells him he will take the job.

After Kelly talks to Blair on the phone and then McBain assures her that the Tahitian authorities have Eli in custody (NOT!), she and Rex go back to his apartment and she tells him how grateful she is for everything he has done.  She then gives him a big hug, just as Gigi walks in.

Before you say, yeah BUT, nobody can break up those two; Kelly has made it her life's work to come between almost everyone's husband or boyfriend.  She can't help herself.

Cole shows up at the orientation looking for Starr.  Ford leaks the fact that it was Eli that attacked him and not Hannah.  When Starr finds out that Cole also knew about this information and didn't tell her—especially because her mother eloped with Eli—they have a big argument and she leaves.

Like I said at the top of the page:  There was a shot fired while Blair and Eli struggled over the gun and it will probably have tragic consequences.  All we can do is hope for the best.

Dun, dun, da.......


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