Thursday, December 31, 2009
Time-Saving Devices
It was the perfect chore for that time of year since you could put all the stuff from the freezer into a cooler and then put it outside, and you would be sure it wouldn't melt while you finished the labor intensive task. But trust me on this one, it was a job that needed to be done at least once a year. Otherwise, the inside of your freezer just got smaller and smaller from the ice build up. What a life! LOL. During that same time period, I was a regular "out and about" kind of person on the party scene, so, we considered New Year's Eve to be "Amateur Night" and didn't want to have anything to do with it anyway.
Fast forward into the modern age of conveniences, and New Year's Eve has become a night to stay off the roads and stay at home, with some popcorn and a good DVD.
This one will be somewhat special, because there is a Blue Moon. So, here's howling at ya.............
Friday, December 25, 2009
Seasonal Music — Peaceful and Cheerful
I'm taking a break from TV and especially the "news". Relieved to hear that Sean Goldman has been reunited with his father for Christmas. With that happy news to sustain me, I can stay away from the TV for a few days and not have to endure the daily report of murder, assault, terror, torture and violence in this crazy world.
My kitties are content, we have plenty of food, the apartment is warm and there is still some snow on the ground. I thank the Universe for the small blessings that make a big difference in our lives.
Peace and love...........
Thursday, December 24, 2009
If you're happy and you know it—let me know.
Is this true?
The very idea of stuggling forever isn't very comforting or uplifting.
I'm a Pisces and eternally optimistic, so I don't want to believe it. I think that maybe the happy, contented people are avoiding my friend who is struggling and that's why they don't know each other.
Surely, there is someone out there who is happy. If you are—please let me know. I would love to hear from you.
They say that ignorance is bliss, so is our dissatisfaction because we know too much?
Peace out.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Sleeping less and enjoying it more.
For a couple of weeks, I was having an impossibly hard time falling asleep and then I was sleeping away most of the next day.
The past couple of nights though, I have had some very vivid, but very pleasant dreams. It appears I'm subconsciously feeling more hopeful. And life does go on.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
One Holiday Down -- One to Go
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Saturday, rainy Saturday
P.S.: The homemade chicken soup and the Chardonnay were mmm, mmm, good!!
P.P.S.: It's still raining. LOL.
Friday, October 23, 2009
If it's not one thing, it's another
Sunday, October 11, 2009
The trials and tribulations of modern technology
I just tried to buy something on eBay, but my connection hung me up and so, you guessed it, I missed the bid. I always tell myself that "things always work out for the best," and in this case, maybe that was true. Most of the day, I debated as to whether or not I should bid on a fairly expensive item that I don't need, but just wanted to get to complete a set that I have started. And the closer I got to the end of the auction, I actually started to feel uncomfortable. The other advice that I always try to follow is: "when in doubt--don't." That was not the only one they made, so hopefully, I will see an even better price on the same item sometime in the future when I can better afford it.
Thank you eBay Angels!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Cleaning and purging progressing
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
I'm feeling much better
Lots of things need to be done everyday, so I can't afford set backs anymore. I'm getting better at handling difficult people. What a life............
Monday, September 21, 2009
Autumn is Arriving
Having enough money really makes life a lot more relaxing.
The weather in NYC has been awesome--75 degrees and sunny. It is the last day of Summer and Colorado got there first snow storm today! Whoa. I'm not ready for that yet.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Finally, I can sleep peacefully
Anyway, it is finally finished and now I can get some guilt-free sleep. Before, I was staying awake all night and sleeping all day because I was so depressed about the project. There were over a thousand questionnaires for a total of more than 25,000 entries of data that I had to transfer onto an Excel spreadsheet. But.........IT'S DONE. Hallelujah!!!!
So, good night!
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Arlington Cemetery
Yes, I saw John Kennedy in person when he was campaigning in Ohio. Our family took a vacation trip to Washington, D.C. that summer, saw all of the sights, and toured the White House. Life was much simpler in 1961. Then, only two years later we all stared at the TV for three days and mourned in disbelief with the rest of the world. I saw Lee Harvey Oswald shot and killed on live TV! It's hard to even imagine all of that now; but, it is still as vivid as it was then.
Too sad.
I have the same birthday as Ted Kennedy, although he was quite a bit older. On one hand, Pisces have the pleasure of enjoying everyones' happiest times, but on the other, the inability to turn off emotions when it comes to other's pain. It's rough sometimes—extreme empathy. But it is the reason that he was so beloved by his family, friends and colleagues—in spite of his often times regrettable behaviour. He was a "forgive and forget" kind of a guy and that is a rare trait.
Elizabeth Taylor is a Pisces. She has loved and lost, many times throughout her life. Now, she can no longer bear public pain; so chooses seclusion from it. Her friend, Michael Jackson would have commemorated another birthday today. She felt his pain. I felt sorry for him—I could relate completely. Hounded until the end and unable to rest. I get it.
It's all too sad.
May there be peace one day.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Living in a Large Storage Unit
As we get to that age where close relatives have died, schoolmates are dying and even old boyfriends are nevermore--that's starting to feel scary. Lately, celebrities are dropping like flies. All the money in the world can't buy more time. Maybe, all the money in the world, makes things worse.
So, the day that I knew would eventually come, is finally here, and I am powerless to contain the inevitable admission: "That's it, I can't take it anymore."
I want a fully functioning life!! I'm not willing to give up my hopes and dreams and plans. I'm also not willing to give up my NY apartment, so I have to make some tough decisions.
Here's some advice:
- Get your cramped little NY apartment organized. It has become nothing more than a large storage unit because there is way too much stuff for the space.
- Start packing "future use" items into boxes, to be put into an actual storage unit.
- No more fooling around.
- Do the work that needs to be done and actually accomplish something.
The clutter is choking the life out of my creativity and severely jeopardizing my sanity.
OK. Now I feel better and I'll keep you up-to-date on my progress.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Hello World!
It was a great business and I may get back into it again when I can get a better location for a shop. With the way the economy is changing, a lot of us with the entrepreneurial spirit are thinking creatively again.