Wednesday, July 21, 2010

OLTL — 7/20 — Bennett Thompson

Yesterday's OLTL was SO boring, I didn't have anything to say!  It was just a rehash of Friday's stories with nothing new except that David's muffins didn't make anybody ill except Natalie and Jessica—so they both head for the ER.  This is the beginning of the storyline that ABC has been promo-ing for a couple of weeks.

From now on, I am only going to hit the highlights of what happened on the show and comment on what I liked or didn't—instead of trying to cover every "he said," "she said."

Today was much more interesting than yesterday and so here's my favorite stuff.

Charlie/Dorian/Viki/David...blah, blah, blah.  Hope that story is over!

Best line of the day:
After Viki tries to explain to David what is happening, David says, "I feel like I'm watching LOST. Does anybody know what's going on now?"

Christian talks to Evangeline and tells her that he still loves her and will always love her, but now he has fallen in love with Layla.  He cries and begs her to come back to them.

Layla and her mother get into a hateful argument and could have killed each other if they weren't more civilized. Layla tries to make her mother understand, that Vange might already be gone. But since the Living Will was never filed or notarized, it is more-or-less worthless, so Mrs. Williamson is not going to let them pull the plug no matter what.

Kelly and Rex are getting closer to figuring out the mystery of Bennett Thompson. When Kelly consults with Eli about what her next steps should be—he tries to convince her to give up the search.

At the ER, it turns out, the muffins are fine, but, Natalie and Jessica are both pregnant.  Uh-oh.  Brody's got some 'splaining to do....

Lisa Williamson finds the business card of an attorney among Evangeline's papers and she calls the number.  Eli answers the phone.  She asks for Bennett Thompson. 

Dun dun da......


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