Here's what happened today:
Gigi and Rex were hanging by the pool—snooze.
Viki seduced David—snooze + kinda c-r-e-e-p-y.
Charlie seduced Dorian—poor Dorian. She's vulnerable right now. She'll probably believe Charlie and then, just get her feelings hurt—shame on Charlie and Viki.
(Actually, shame on the writers, but you know what I mean...)
OK, I'm old, but, I don't really want to see old people acting like teenagers. There are plenty of teenagers on this show at the moment. So nix the bad love scenes with the oldsters!! PLEASE.
Then we had to be subjected to another day of Layla and Evangeline's Mother from Hell. I know I said she is a great actress, but why do they have to make her so mean and scary?!?! Even Christian is afraid of her.
My second favorite scene of the day:
Matthew and Destiny. Destiny looks GREAT and has really blossomed in her role. Now that she is on contract, maybe we can look forward to more storylines, instead of what has been happening lately—background filler.

Jack to Blair about Eli:
"When he thinks nobody's watching, he's Ross Rayburn in a nicer suit."
"I know people—the guy doesn't smell right."
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