Friday, July 23, 2010

OLTL—7/22—Secrets don't stay secret for long

If you want to keep a secret, you can't tell ANYONE; because then, it is no longer a secret.  It only takes a short time before the first person tells "just one" person, who will tell "just one" person—and you get my point.

Jessica confides in Kelly who confronts Ford and he denies that anything happened with Jessica. Natalie confides in Gigi and they discuss the fact that she cannot do a paternity test yet. Natalie is considering what to do next.

I don't think anything happened with Jessica and Ford. He's just a wimp and isn't going to take any chances, so he goes to the hospital for a blood test. But Natalie is probably not going to escape her dilemma that easily.  Is she about to confess to John?!?

The next secret:

How long will it be until James Ford finds out about his mother? 
Today, Bobby Ford found out that Nate Sallinger is his brother.


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