Sunday, October 24, 2010

OLTL—Friday–10/22—"That snake-in-the-grass, Rex Balsom"

Another AWESOME Friday episode.  A secret revealed, some relationships forming, others tested, tears of happiness and tears of sadness, plus a dramatic cliff hanger.  WOW.

Hannah tells Cole she had a dream that Starr and Hope were dead.  She goes on to say the dream was really real.  Cole tells her not to even think about something like that because John McBain is going to find Eli and bring Starr and Hope back home.  Then he is going to fix everything between them and everything is going to be fine.  When Hannah hears that, she knows she has to take her game to the next level.  The wheels are turning in her twisted head.

Outside of Marty's house, Langston, Bobby and James are watching and waiting for Hannah to come out.  Their theory being, she will lead them right to Starr.  But, while they are waiting in the car, Bobby starts to cough up blood and James says they need to take him to the hospital.  They all agree.  Langston says she will drive him in her car and James stays behind.

Marty is also at home with Cole and Hannah.  When she finally reaches Bo by phone and finds out they have found Eli, she and Cole head for the warehouse.  Hannah is left alone and starts talking to herself.  She comes to the conclusion, that when the police find Eli, but not Hope and Starr, then how long will it take before they start looking her way.  Hannah also knows that if Starr is eventually rescued, she will have NO chance with Cole.  She needs to get Starr and Hope out of the way.  Hannah looks at her gun, struggles with a decision, then puts the gun in her purse and leaves.  As she is going to her car, she is confronted by James.  He wants to know what she is doing and she wants to know if he is spying on her.

Bo is at the warehouse directing the operation with the police and SWAT team.  They are going over the blue prints of the building, to locate all of the doors and windows and preparing to make the trade with Eli.

Natalie arrives at the scene and tells Brody she has to talk to John, NOW.  Brody says John is busy—there are three hostages in there.  Natalie says, "Actually, there's four."  Natalie tells Brody all the details about Téa's "death" and that more than likely she is also a hostage.

They argue for several minutes about why Natalie should not get any closer to the scene, just as Marty arrives and overhears their conversation.  Brody is telling Natalie she just doesn't understand how much he cares about her and the baby.  Finally he agrees to tell John about Téa and takes off.

Cole comes up behind Marty and calls her name and Natalie sees them.  When she tells them that Eli is in the warehouse, Cole jumps the barricade and runs toward the scene.  Natalie tries to stop Marty, but now, Marty has ammunition.  She threatens Natalie, that if she doesn't let her into the restricted area, she will start talking about Natalie's involvement with Brody and the baby she is carrying.  Natalie is really taken off guard!!  She doesn't have a choice but to let Marty enter.

Eli unties Dani so he can take her to Todd.  He tells her they are leaving Téa behind.  Eli calls Todd, and McBain takes the phone and tells him, HE is running the show now.  Eli says, yes, it's quite the welcome wagon, but he doesn't see the helicopter he asked for.

John says it is at a heliport a few blocks away and they have a van to take him there, and the ransom is inside.  Eli then reminds John that actually, HE is in charge and will consider the change of plans after he talks to Blair.  He tells Blair the only way she is getting the girls back, is if she gets in the van and goes with him.

Eli brings Dani out and tells Blair that Starr and Hope are inside the warehouse.  If anything doesn't go the way he has planned, he has rigged the warehouse with explosives with a push button detonator that he has in his hand.

Blair gets into the van, but then, decides she doesn't want to fool around with Eli and his demands, so she sneaks out the other side of the van and breaks into the warehouse to try to find Starr and Hope.  Once inside, she calls for Starr.  She hears a muffled voice and then finds Téa!  They break into tears, Blair hugs Téa, and then just starts blubbering about how they had a funeral for her and.....  To say the least, she is thrilled to see Téa.  She hurries to untie her, apparently forgetting what she came in there for, then realizes—where's Starr and Hope?  Téa says they are not there and she doesn't think Eli ever had them.

Clint comes to the Buenos Dias Café and finds Matthew by himself.  Matthew is concerned for Destiny, if it turns out Greg was involved with Eli Clarke.  Clint tells him he thinks Matthew is doing "a hell of a job" at B.E.  Matthew says, "What, copying and filing?"  "Well you're doing more than that.  How about when you caught that snake-in-the-grass, Rex Balsom?"  Matthew wants to know why Clint didn't involve the police, but Clint explains, he has his reasons and also because Bo really likes Rex and Natalie still considers him to be her brother.  When Matthew asks Clint what kind of files Rex was stealing, Clint tells him, "corporate secrets."  "Are you serious?"  "Oh yeah, there is nothing Balsom won't do for money."

At the hospital, Greg tells Shaun he betrayed his family.  He wants to tell the truth, but his parents say they want to talk to him first—ALONE.  They force Shaun and Destiny to leave the room.  Mrs. Evans says that revealing the secret is not going to help anyone except Greg, by easing his conscience.  Both parents refuse to go along with Greg.  Mrs. Evans says, "Over my dead body."

Finally, Shaun and Greg come back into the room and want to know what is going on.  Mr. and Mrs. Evans decide they will be the ones to tell Destiny.  They start out by saying how much they love her and how, that is never going to change; but that they are not her real parents!  She just looks at them and says "I'm adopted?"  She is beyond devastated by this news.  Destiny just keeps saying no, no, no and Shaun jumps all over Greg about keeping the secret that Destiny was adopted.  Mrs. Evans finally says, "We never said she was adopted.  She is our own flesh and blood."  Greg tells Destiny that his parents are her grandparents and that HE is her father.

Back at the warehouse, everything is in place for the exchange.  Blair tells Téa she had better not freak out on her, but that they need to get out of there because Eli has rigged the warehouse with a bomb. They hurry as fast as they can to get out.

At the same time, Eli comes out with Dani, releases her to Todd and jumps into the van.  When he realizes Blair is not in the van, he says, "Fine—if I can't have what I want, you can't have what you want either;" and he detonates the bomb.  The entire warehouse goes up.

Todd is holding Dani who is now screaming.  They all stand there in shock, staring at the inferno.  Todd thinks Starr and Hope are in there and Dani knows Téa IS.

Dun, dun, da.....


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