Wednesday, October 20, 2010

OLTL—Tuesday–10/19—Echo DiSavoy has a secret

Since we're coming to the close of a major storyline soon, it's time to start an new one.  This one will be centered around Echo DiSavoy, if you haven't already figured that out.

Rex has been hired by Viki Banks to find out why Echo DiSavoy is back in town.  He has learned that after the murder trial, where she faked her death, her plea deal with the Llanview district attorney stipulated she was to leave Llanview and not return.  However, Rex found out she was stopped for a speeding violation in Llanview about a year after she left.  He is trying to figure out why she came back to Llanview at that time.  He wants to talk with Clint Buchanan since he was involved with her.

Clint comes into the Buenos Dias Café and Rex approaches him.  He tells Clint what he knows and asks Clint what he might know about why Echo came back to Llanview after the trial.  Clint says, "Who wants to know?"  Rex tells Clint that Viki has hired him, but Clint says he already knows; and that he has his own people keeping an eye on the situation, so, Echo is really the least of his worries at the moment.

Viki stops by La Boulaíe to see how Dorian is holding up considering the situation with Starr and Hope.  They get into a discussion about Echo and Dorian warns her about Echo getting in between her and "Chuckles."  Viki says there is absolutely nothing that she can do or say that will cause that to happen.  [Always a bad sign when the writers drop clues like that into the dialogue.]  Dorian tells Viki she will take her side against Echo.

Charlie and Brody have a discussion about Ford in relation to Jessica and he begs Brody not to be a hero.  He explains to Brody, that is how he lost his son Jared because he just didn't anticipate the danger of the situation and then got himself shot and killed (by Mitch Lawrence).

Christian wants to see Gigi's latest sketch and asks about the heart pendant that she has drawn.  She explains it is related to the trip that she and Rex took to New Mexico when Rex was trying to find his birth mother.

Bobby and James talk about Hannah.  James tries desperately to get Bobby to help him find out how Hannah might be connected to Starr's disappearance.  So far, he has done a very good job of putting the pieces together, but he is convinced there is more that Hannah knows, but that he will never be able to get out of her, so he solicits Bobby's help.  Even though Bobby thinks James' theory is too crazy, even for Hannah, he agrees to help.

Hannah finds the baseball Starr tossed through the window.  Duh.  Then after a lengthy discussion regarding lack of trust and what to do next, Hannah decides she is going to take Hope with her.  Starr begs and pleads and finally convinces her that she can't just show up at Marty's with Hope.  Hannah tells Starr she has to do some more thinking about what she is going to do next, then leaves the attic.  When she returns to Marty's, Bobby Ford shows up.

Echo skips out on her bill at the Minute Man Motel where she was staying and gets a room at Roxy's Angel Square Hotel.  She finagles her way out of the deposit by offering to take photos for Foxy Roxy's to help promote the business.  Roxy is completely unaware that she has been duped and is thrilled to have an internationally famous photographer offer to take photos for her.  During their conversation, Roxy learns that Echo was involved with Charlie Banks in Atlantic City.  Roxy brings up his son Jared and that he is dead.  Echo never knew Charlie had a son.

Roxy goes over to the Buenos Dias while Rex is still there, and he finds out Echo has taken a room at the Angel Square Hotel.  He asks Roxy if she knows whether Echo is in her room right now, and Roxy says she thinks she went out.  Rex hustles over there pronto and lets himself into her room.  He does a quick search of the room and discovers a decorative box that Echo stored in one of the bottom drawers of the dresser.  When Rex opens the box, he finds half of the heart pendant that the jewelry artist in New Mexico had told him belonged to his birth mother.

Echo shows up at Llanfair and tells Chuckles she is sorry to hear about his son; and that now she knows he will understand.  She says she has something she needs to tell him.

Dun, dun, da.....


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