Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Blogs, blogs, blogs

So, wouldn't you know it--by the time I got the idea to start blogging--that idea is already s-o-o-o 2008. 

I read an interview with a woman who is blogging about her children and has a HUGE following of mothers--like she gets over 35,000 hits in a month.  She blogs on WordPress and she seems to think that's the best way to get exposure to her blog.

So, I signed up with WordPress, to check it out; but I found that the formatting and navigation around the different "options" was much too user UNfriendly and so, I haven't finished the setup and haven't posted anything yet, and maybe I won't.  We'll see.....

I just wanted to share some of my thoughts and ideas with some friends.  So, thank you, friends, for reading my blog.

Stay tuned, I have more to say.

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