Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Is This a Sideways Flash?

I am watching ABC's LOST—I'll admit it. I've watched it from the beginning. It's not for everyone—it has an extremely complicated plot—but so far, it hasn't disappointed its loyal fans!

Hang in there everybody, hopefully we will experience the climax of a lifetime, or at least be very satisfied at the end.  But there is a long way to go yet, and the twists and turns are taking us to places we can't imagine. The writers are very clever, but have they already made a continuity mistake?   In one of the flash sideways, Locke is paralyzed, as he was before the trip to Australia, and Helen is talking about inviting his father to the wedding.  His father is the one who caused his paralysis, so that doesn't make any sense.  But, since no mistake could be that obvious, there must be something we don't know.  Duh....  Why am I trying to figure it out!?!  LOL

P.S.  I just watched the last week's episode again, and now I'm seeing a pattern. Jack looks at his appendectomy scar as though he never noticed it before and then asks his mother about it. She says that his father performed the operation when Jack was very young.  I had forgotten that Juliet had removed his appendix on the Island.

Good luck LOSTers.

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