Thursday, August 18, 2016

10.  What to do, What to do

The presidential election and the shenanigans of the candidates is the top news story everyday.  It is only overshadowed when there is some horrible tragedy, like a mass murder; but even that can't distract the pundits for more than a couple of days.  Then it's back to blah, blah, blah.

I'm not going to get specific because I want to remain neutral.  I’ve always felt I was open minded and willing to see both sides of every argument; but, this is the most bizarre presidential election EVER, and most everyone agrees.  To be honest though, I wish we had less controversial choices.  I will say this:  I feel that one candidate would probably be able to do a good job of keeping their promises; and the other, would be a complete disaster.  PLEASE do your research, listen to what smart people are saying, weigh both sides of the argument; and then, make your final decision.  Thanks.

In other news:   Louisiana’s flood woes are unabated and the death toll continues to rise.   The California wildfires are never completely squelched before another one springs up.   Homes are reduced to ash and people and animals are escaping with only their lives and nothing else.  Even something as family-friendly as the Summer Olympics is being tainted by cheating and lies.  What is going on?!?

Okay, so how about some good news? I’ll get back to you on that.


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